Beware of the Student Debt Depression Spiral

Candid portrait of a young woman looking away with forest in the background

Taking on a lot of debt while you’re young might create difficulties. Before you consider applying for student loans, be sure to research and understand the possible consequences.

CEE Standard: Using Credit

Many of your students may be considering taking out student loans to cover the cost of college. Sharing Melanie’s story with them will help them consider the downfalls of student loan debt and help them make wise financial decisions about how they are going to pay for college.

I graduated from New York University (NYU) with $68,000 in student loan debt. I was nervous and scared. I had a few job opportunities, but nothing that would help me repay this enormous debt.

I knew I had to get my finances together, so I started using Mint to track my income, my expenses, and my debt. After seeing the numbers in black and white, I felt sick to my stomach. How could I have that much debt? How would I pay it off?

Over the next few years, my student loan debt played a significant role in my mental health. I felt depressed and overwhelmed by it. I felt anxious about paying it back. I felt angry for letting myself get into so much debt from a fancy private school, majoring in the arts no less.

I’m not alone in this sentiment. Debt and mental health are undoubtedly linked, when reducing debt has shown to improve psychological state according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. But it doesn’t have to be a losing battle — here’s how to deal with student loan depression:

Accept Your Reality

Anxiety and depression may stem from not wanting to believe how much debt you actually accrue. Part of dealing with student loan depression is accepting that you do have student loan debt. And you’re not alone. Currently, over 44 million Americans have student loans.

Seek Help

Depending on your level of depression, you may want to seek professional help. I knew I needed additional help when I found myself in tears every day, frustrated by my situation. Consider going to a community clinic or local college for counseling. I went to a local graduate school and was able to negotiate $5 therapy sessions. The students got experience, while I was able to receive help, even when funds were prohibitive.

If you’re feeling suicidal about your debt, you can visit your school counselor or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255) if you are a graduate. There is no reason to feel alone.

Realize Your Net Worth Is Not Your Self-Worth

Being in so much debt can make you feel small. In this society where many of us are judged based on how much we earn or have, being in debt can make you feel, well, pretty worthless.

But it’s crucial to remember that your net worth is not your self-worth. You are more than just your debt, so don’t let it define you. Will you have to make adjustments to your life to repay it? Yes. But it doesn’t make you a good or bad person. Forgive yourself for whatever feelings you may have about yourself, related to debt.

Create a Plan

The depression that arises around student loan debt may feel like a sort of helplessness.

  • How will I ever get out of debt?
  • I can’t ever pay this back.
  • I don’t know what to do.

If you’re thinking these things, you’re not alone. I’ve been there. But in order to move past the depression and the overwhelming feeling of being in debt, you have to create a plan. Start by:

  1. Tallying up your total balance.
  2. Check your current interest rates.
  3. Look at your income and expenses — how much do you have left over each month?
  4. Decide how much you can commit toward debt each month.
  5. Make a mental decision, that you are done with debt. You will pay it off.
  6. Look into repayment options such as income-driven plans.
  7. If you can’t repay your loans, speak to your loan servicer to come up with an arrangement.

While seeing the numbers may sting, coming up with a plan can ultimately be very empowering. Student loans are no fun, but they do not have to define or ruin your life. You are so much more than that.

  • Are you considering using student loans to attend college? If not, how do you plan to pay for school?
  • What are the benefits of student loans?
  • What are some of the downfalls of student loans?
  • Do you have a plan to pay off any loans when you graduate?
  • Do you think it’s possible that having too much debt might cause depression in your life?

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