How to Start a Business as a Teen
Early Concepts for Starting a Business and Being an Entrepreneur
In this package, students will begin to understand the concepts behind starting a business while they’re young through examples and tips given by current and past teen entrepreneurs, aka teenpreneurs.
Stories for This Lesson
Here are your stories for this lesson. Click the title below and away you go!
TIP: Write down the key concepts from each piece to put the entire lesson together.
Never Too Early: 4 Teenpreneurs Share Tips on Starting a Business
Why Fostering Teen Entrepreneurship Matters
5 Lessons I Learned from Starting a Nonprofit… in High School!
Quizzes for This Lesson
Here’s a fun way to test your knowledge. The best part? There’s no pressure, because this isn’t graded.
Resources to Help Solidify the Lesson
You’ve digested the lesson’s key concepts and tested your knowledge. Now reinforcements have arrived. Here’s a helpful resource from an expert — a case study loaded with advanced knowledge.
Case Study: Side Hustle To Business