Don’t have an internship lined up this summer? No worries.
It often feels like internships are a must-do over the summer in order to bolster your resume.
But there are many other productive things that you can do that will give you valuable knowledge and experience.Click To Tweet
1. Volunteer
Give back to a cause that you’re passionate about by regularly volunteering over the summer. This experience of engagement in the society will teach you a lot – not just about the cause, but also about skills like working in teams, organizing events, and being professional. Some opportunities will also help you hone your technical skills like graphic design, photography, or coding.
2. Get Knowledgeable
Take a class in programming, poetry, or whatever else you’re interested in. You can also read a book on a new subject or watch a documentary. Or study for entrance tests to get ahead of the game!
3. Earn Money
It never hurts to get a part-time job. If you don’t like working with your hands, you can try new, exciting jobs like giving tours or tutoring students.
These can help in the long run by improving your public speaking skills.Click To Tweet
4. Get Organized
How many times have you thought of doing something great, only to lose hope because nothing happened? It’s very easy to just think about something without taking action. But now’s the time to get organized.
Write down goals for different parts of your life – career, learning, health, personal life… Then make an action plan to achieve those goals.Click To Tweet
5. Brand Yourself
You might not have realized this, but you are a brand. With all those posts you make on social media platforms, you are expressing your identity. The only thing you have to do to increase your brand value is to take it to the next level: make your own personal website with your work and bio on it and make conscientious posts to gain followers and build your brand. This can later become a secondary source of income once you have enough followers. And even if it doesn’t, having a personal website is still pretty cool!
6. Put in Work
You don’t have any classes or commitments to get in the way of building some muscle. How about achieving that goal while learning a martial art or a sport?
7. Treat Yo Self!
Don’t forget that you’re on break! Take long walks, listen to music, reconnect with friends, and sleep – sleep like you’ve never slept before!
In short…
- Volunteer in an area that interests you.
- Learn through books, documentaries, or summer classes.
- Find a part-time job.
- Get organized about your goals.
- Get your name out there on social media.
- Exercise.
- Have fun!